
Access Control

AccessWise Security offers a wide range of access control systems to help you control and protect your assets from anywhere, anytime, while creating a safer environment for your employees and visitors.

Access Control Optimized for Your Organization

Access control is a vital aspect of ensuring the safety and security of a property or premises. It refers to the process of managing who has access to a specific area or resource. Installing an access control system enables you to control and monitor access to your property, buildings, and sensitive areas. At our company, we specialize in designing and installing advanced access control systems that utilize the latest technology to ensure the highest level of security. Our solutions range from simple keypad access to biometric recognition systems, allowing you to choose the level of security that best suits your needs. Trust us to provide you with a customized access control system that offers a comprehensive approach to protecting your property.

Simulation of an access control system using a fingerprint

Why Access Control Systems is Important

Access control systems have become increasingly important in recent years due to the rise in security threats and the need for better protection of people, assets, and information. Whether you are a business owner, a facility manager, or a homeowner,

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Why Access Control Systems is Important

Access control systems have become increasingly important in recent years due to the rise in security threats and the need for better protection of people, assets, and information.

Biometric access control system

Biometric & Facial Recognition

Biometric and facial recognition technology is an advanced security solution that uses unique physical characteristics to verify a person’s identity. This technology analyzes physical features such as fingerprints, iris patterns, facial features, or voiceprints, to authenticate a person’s identity. Biometric and facial recognition technology provides a highly secure method of access control, eliminating the need for traditional keys or access cards that can be lost, stolen, or duplicated. At our company, we specialize in providing advanced biometric and facial recognition solutions that are highly secure, user-friendly, and tailored to meet your specific needs. Trust us to provide you with a customized solution that fits your unique requirements.

Mobile Credentials

Mobile credentials are a modern and convenient way of managing access control. Instead of traditional physical keys or cards, mobile credentials use a smartphone app to grant access to a property or premises. This eliminates the need for physical cards or keys, increasing convenience and security. Mobile credentials also allow for real-time monitoring and remote management of access control systems, providing greater flexibility and control. At our company, we specialize in providing advanced mobile credential solutions that are highly secure, user-friendly, and tailored to meet your specific needs. Trust us to provide you with a customized solution that fits your unique requirements.

Mobile Credentials access control
access control card reader system that authorizes entry to a business building with card

Physical access control

Physical access control refers to the measures put in place to restrict access to a physical space or area. This can include fobs, keypad, card readers, and other security measures. The purpose of physical access control is to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas, protecting the safety and security of people and property. At our company, we specialize in providing advanced physical access control solutions that are highly effective and tailored to meet your specific needs. Trust us to provide you with a customized solution that fits your unique requirements.


Cloud-Based Access Control

Cloud-based access control is a modern approach to access control that uses cloud technology to manage access to a property or premises. With cloud-based access control, all access control data is stored in the cloud, making it accessible from anywhere and at any time. This eliminates the need for on-site servers and software, reducing costs and increasing flexibility. Cloud-based access control also enables integration with other security systems, creating a more comprehensive and efficient security solution. At our company, we specialize in providing advanced cloud-based access control systems that are secure, user-friendly, and tailored to meet your unique needs.


A security man watches the screens showing cloud-based access control points and security cameras.


Access control is the process of limiting access to a resource or a physical or virtual space. It involves identifying, authenticating, and authorizing individuals or devices based on their credentials and permissions.

Access control provides several benefits, such as enhanced security, improved operational efficiency, reduced risk of theft or data breaches, increased accountability, and better regulatory compliance.

There are several types of access control, including physical access control, logical access control, and administrative access control. Physical access control refers to controlling access to physical spaces, while logical access control refers to controlling access to digital resources. Administrative access control refers to controlling access to administrative functions or privileges.

Authentication is the process of verifying an individual's identity. This involves the use of credentials such as usernames, passwords, biometric data, or smart cards.